Cast your mind back 12 months The AGPU venue had, after multiple changes and "back room deals", finally been decided upon. SEXCHANGE managed to obtain the services of The "Hoodoo Gurus" to play background music We were all celebrating the "year of the Cock" with the "Cock of the year" Trail was a debacle, set by SEXCHANGE and CRASH & BURN. The runners ended up asking the walkers where the trail went!!! The City of Canberra was invaded by hundreds of head scratching, middle aged, gaudily dressed, former elite athletes to the tune of such 1970's pub classics as "What's my scene" and "1000 miles away". Dickie knee used the word "lost" a lot during the run report and the walk reporter slipped the word "Sophisticated" unnecessarily into the walk report. The shortest and most verse less hare song ever, was sung. And the FRIZZY LIZZY reign of terror commenced Fast forward One year. With NO TRAIL (Yes, capital letters mean I'm shouting) The FRIZZY era faded away into the grey clouds that can be attributed directly to the RA's absence. A year punctuated with awful Eliza Doolittle impressions A year of on again off again WEATHERMAN hare song verses The year when CRASH & BURN achieved his 100th run And 1000 runs were achieved by JR, SUELLEN and MEAT TO PLEEZE YOU FRIZZY kept our "attention and focus rooted to the job at hand" (The life and times of Dwight D Eisenhower, Penguin, 1965) FRIZZY was our rock, she was our robust trail, she was our addiction to "Tun", Well done young lady, I salute you. And so, she now has that coveted post nominal "Ex GM" The next poor sod to receive that accolade is CENTREFOLD, who auspiciously was not present at his own inauguration (A la DONALD TRUMP) For those of you who are interested the new committee is: GM: CENTREFOLD RA: MEAT HASH CASH: SCARLETT Trail mattress: POPTART Webmaster: SQTR Dray: WEATHERMAN Pyro: ANKLE BITER Haber dash: CRAFT Choir master: McTAF Beer bitch: SEEDLESS Scribe: CRUNCHY CRACK Hash Flash: SUELLEN Hash Horn: GREASE NIPPLE CHARGES- Any opportunity to charge FRIZZY LIZZY was given and she took her punishment with grace. More were given but this new scribe couldn't keep up with them all. Looking over the scribblings that I managed to take reveals the words "GERBIL's track pants = fly's eyes. Google Bird bathing and T-bagging". RETURNEES- Incider, Crunchy Crack, Bushman, Matilda, Gnash, Count-her-feet & Frizzy Lizzy (for returning to normal) AWARDS- FRB to GREASED NIPPLE. INCIDER awarded the little prick to FRIZZY LIZZY for no toilets at the venue. Cracker of the week went to DICK HEAD DAVE for showing how he keeps FURBALLS happy (nom nom nom). ANNIVERSARIES- BOOPY, 140 runs. MEAT, 1041 runs. MYRTLE, 2 Runs. Birthdays to INCIDER, MIXO & BLUE HAWAII